2715 RT 44, Millbrook NY, 12545
(845) 677-8011 ext. 3

Mapping Services

GIS Mapping Services

Computer generated maps for your specific area of interest. We use a Geographic Information System (GIS) to make a map of your parcel and overlay it with: bodies of water, digital ortho photos, floodplains, state and federal wetlands, streams, soil types, and topographic contours.

Click the link below to view or download our GIS request form.

GIS Mapping Request Form

This information can be used to give you detailed information about your area of interest.  If you are interested in how GIS can work for you, contact our office. Please have your Tax Parcel ID (found on your tax bill) so we can quickly identify your parcel.

Historical Aerial Photographs

Historical aerial photographs are available for viewing.


Due to the mishandling of our historic aerial photos it is now required that a District Employee pull the photos that you are looking to view at a charge of $30.00 per hour with a minimum of a 1 hour charge.  Please call ahead to make sure a technician is available.

No Exceptions will be made.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause, but it is our responsibility to make sure that these photos are available for many years to come.

Historical photos of the county are available for viewing within our office. We have photos dating from the 1930’s all the way up to the year 2000.