2715 RT 44, Millbrook NY, 12545
(845) 677-8011 ext. 3

Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan

Agriculture has and continues to be one of Dutchess County’s primary industries. Our economy, rural landscape, community character, environment, health of residents,and overall quality of life are all uniquely and positively affected by farms operating here. Although agriculture has changed through time and continues to change and diversify; it plays a significant role in both the economy and quality of life for Dutchess County residents.

Dutchess County has seen significant changes in its agricultural economy since the adoption of the last Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan in 1998. At that time the biggest concern was the continuing loss of farms and conversion of farmland into non-farm uses due to the high level of development pressure and to the lack of profitability of farm operations.

Given the dramatic changes that have occurred in the agriculture industry during the past 15 years, the Dutchess County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board decided to develop a new plan, again with funding support provided by the State’s FPPG Program and Dutchess County. The mission of the Steering Committee placed in charge of developing this new plan was to consider recent changes in agriculture, identify new needs and opportunities, evaluate past successes, and develop new strategies to use moving forward.

Please use the below link to access the most current versions of the Plan and Executive Summary.
