C = Christmas Tree
E= Erosion Control
F = Human Food
H = Habitat/Food Wildlife
N = Native
T = Timber/Wood
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus var. darrow)
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Soil: Moist – Well drained
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full
Description: This plant produces large black fruit that is firm, fleshy, and sweet. Blackberry will produce over a long period of time. It is very hardy and heavy producer. The root systems of this plant have a great soil holding capacity.
Uses: The fruit is attractive to wildlife and edible for humans. It can be used to make wine, liqueurs, jams, preserves, or syrups.
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Soil: Wide tolerance
Growth rate: Fast
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: Forms a large (5-12′) multi-stemmed shrub/small tree. Small white flowers appear in the summer and small purple berrylike drupes mature in late summer. It tolerates a wide variety of soils and roadside conditions.
Uses: The fruit is attractive to wildlife and edible for humans. It can be used to make preserves, jellies, pies and wine.
Filbert American (Corylus americana)
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Soil: Moist, Well drained
Growth rate: Medium – fast
Sun: Full
Description: Forms a small (8-15′) multi-stemmed shrubby tree. The nut on this tree will mature in late September. It is pH adaptable and t prefers well-drained soils.
Uses: The fruit/nut is attractive to wildlife and edible for humans.
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus var. Boyne)
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Soil: Wide tolerance
Growth rate: Fast
Sun: Full
Description: Forms small (3-5′) arching canes. Dark Green above and nearly white below. Bright red berries ripen in late summer. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees and flies. The plant is self-fertile.
Uses: The fruit is attractive to wildlife and edible for humans. It is good for jam and jellies.