2715 RT 44, Millbrook NY, 12545
(845) 677-8011 ext. 3

Deciduous Shrubs

C = Christmas Tree
E = Erosion Control
F = Human Food
H = Habitat/Food for Wildlife
N = Native

T = Timber/Wood

Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum)

Conservation practices: E, N, H
Soil: Wide Tolerance
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: A multi-branching shrub that typically rounds out and matures up to 10’.  Small white, flat topped clusters of flowers appear in late spring.
Uses: Great for erosion control and streambank protection.  Also provides habitat for wildlife.

USDA Plant Guide

Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)

Conservation practices: E, N, H
Soil: Wide Tolerance
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: A multi-branched, upright shrub that can reach up to 25’ in height. Small white tubular flowers may appear in mid-summer.
Uses: Can be used for streambank protection as well as provide habitat for wildlife.

USDA Plant Guide

Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

Conservation practices: N, H
Soil: Wide Tolerance
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: A large shrub or small tree can reach up to heights or 30’.  It often has a twisted truck with slender crisscrossing branches.
Uses: Can be used as an ornamental plant as well as provides habitat for wildlife.

Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
Conservation practices: H
Soil: Well drained, moist
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: A multi- stemmed, upright shrub, that typically grows to 8-12’.  Light purple/pink clusters of flowers appear in late spring. This plant is typically deer resistant.
Uses: Can be used as an ornamental, great for borders, hedges and screens.

USDA Plant Guide

Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)

Conservation Practices: E, N, H
Soil: Wide Tolerance
Growth Rate: Fast
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: Forms a large erect shrub, maturing to 5-10′. Grows well in poor soils and tough conditions, including stream banks. Creates a natural screen and provides erosion control. Great for wildlife.
Uses: Creates a natural screen, may be used to provide an outside row in windbreaks and provides erosion control. Great for wildlife.

USDA Plant Guide

Redosier Dogwood (Cornus stolinifera)

Conservation practices: E, N, H
Soil: Wide tolerance
Growth rate: Moderate
Sun: Full to Partial
Description: Forms a small to medium sized multi-stemmed shrub. It has a red stem and white clustering that mature in late summer-fall. It grows best in wet or swampy conditions. It is also a great structure for holding soil on slopped areas.
Uses: Good for streambank protection and wildlife habitat and also can be an ornamental or border plant.
