Soil and Water Conservation District
County-wide Agricultural Program Meeting
All farmers and Agri-professionals are welcome!!
Come meet the staff and explore our existing programs.
Tell us what you need on your farm and help us identify what new programs would help you and your operation.
Refreshments will be provided
Place: Farm and Home Center
2715 Route 44, Millbrook, NY 12545
Time: February 20 @ 6:30 PM
RSVP by February 14th or 845-677-8011 ext: 3
Please share with other contacts in Dutchess County
Agricultural Environmental Management Program
The AEM program addresses conservation on farms through out New York State. Dutchess County Soil and Water implements this program in our our county. The AEM program helps identify and assess natural resource concerns in areas being actively farmed. The goal is to help implement best management practices to reduce these resource concerns in our watersheds while keeping the farm operation viable and profitable. AEM looks at the following resources- animal; farmland; forest; plant; soil; wetland; wildlife; water and air. Contact the District to discuss creating a whole farm plan or nutrient management plan on your farm.
Mapping Services-
Click on the programs below to be directed to information on these services.
Soil Group Worksheets for Ag Value Assessment
Partner Agencies
National Resources Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) does its work through a mutual agreement with 62 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) in New York. Conservation Districts are political subdivisions of State government where activities are governed by a locally appointed board of directors.
They deliver conservation programs to local landowners including:
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
- Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP)
- Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)
- Small Watershed Program
They provide technical support to other State, Federal, and Local agencies in the delivery of the following programs:
- Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
- Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
- State Environmental Bond Act
- New York City and Skaneateles Lake Watershed Projects
NRCS Programs and Information Sheets
USDA-NRCS is located within the Farm and Home Center
Located at 2715 Rt. 44 in Millbrook, NY
They can be reached by phone # (845) 677-8011 x3. Ask for NRCS office.
You can find more information and updates on the NRCS website.
Farm Service Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) administers and manages farm commodity, credit, conservation, disaster and loan programs as laid out by Congress through a network of federal, state and county offices.
These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of the agricultural industry and to help farmers adjust production to meet demand. Economically, the desired result of these programs is a steady price range for agricultural commodities for both farmers and consumers.
You can find more information and sign up for monthly newsletter on the NYS FSA website.
USDA-FSA is located within the Farm and Home Center.
They serve Dutchess, Putnam, Ulster, Westchester counties.
2715 Rt. 44
Millbrook, NY 12545
Phone (845) 677-8011 x2
Fax (845) 677-835